55 research outputs found

    LysoGl1 e LysoGb3: biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e follow-up da Doença de Gaucher e Fabry

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    As Doenças Lisossomais de Sobrecarga (DLSs), conjunto de patologias crónicas, multissistémicas, com modo de apresentação e gravidade muito variáveis, afetam 1:5000 nados vivos. As esfingolipidoses, é o sub-grupo mais prevalente das DLSs, onde se encontra incluída a Doença de Gaucher (DG) e a Doença de Fabry (DF). Na DG, ocorre a acumulação de glucosilceramida devido à deficiência enzimática em β-glucocerebrosidase e no caso de DF, devido a um défice enzimático em α-galactosidase A, ocorre a acumulação em globotriosilceramida. No entanto, em ambos os casos, parte do produto primário de acumulação, é convertido na respectiva base esfingoide, que se encontra bastante elevada: glucosilesfingosina (LysoGl1) e globotriosilesfingosina (LysoGb3), no caso de DG e DF, respectivamente. Estes liso-lípidos, igualmente envolvidos na evolução da patologia, por vezes já se encontram aumentados, mesmo antes do aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas. Pela primeira vez em Portugal, é disponibilizado o estudo pioneiro destes biomarcadores para as DLSs, para melhor estudo e compreensão destas patologias.N/

    Two cases of late-onset Argininosuccinic aciduria with normal results at newborn screening

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    Argininosuccinic aciduria (ASA) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) deficiency, and it is the second most frequent urea cycle disorder, with an estimated frequency of 1:70 000. The human ASL gene is located on chromosome 7q11.21 and comprises 16 exons encoding a 464 amino acids long monomer. The enzyme is functional in a homotetrameric structure and is mainly expressed in the liver, although it can be found in several other tissues. The clinical presentation of ASA is very heterogeneous, ranging from asymptomatic to severe hyperammonemic neonatal-onset cases. Complex clinical phenotypes, with neurological deficits and hepatic complications adding to hyperammonemic episodes, are often observed. Biochemically, ASA is usually characterized by elevation of both citrulline and argininosuccinic acid in plasma and urine, but also at this level heterogeneity is observed, adding to a poor correlation found between residual enzymatic activity and the severity of the clinical phenotype. Newborn Screening (NBS) for ASA is widely established although some paradoxal results can be obtained due to the clinical and biochemical ASA heterogeneity: asymptomatic cases can be detected and, on the contrary, late-onset forms with important clinical manifestations observed since the first months of live can be missed due to normal biochemical results. ASA was included in the Portuguese NBS Program in 2005, based on elevated argininosuccinic acid blood levels. During these ten years of NBS two cases were identified and two other were missed. The missed cases were two brothers with a late-onset clinical form, which presented completely normal results at NBS. They are homozygous for R12Q mutation, which is a mutation reported to be associated with a mild clinical form of the disease and frequently found in late-onset ASA cases. Based on this finding it is important to keep in mind that a late-onset form of ASA should be considered for a child with clinical signs fitting this disease, even if NBS had a normal result

    3-Methylcrotonyl CoA Carboxylase Deficiency: Disorder or Just a Biochemical Phenotype?

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    Introduction: 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency (MCCD) was considered extremely rare before newborn screening (NBS) was undertaken but is now found in a number of asymptomatic babies or sometimes their mothers. This disorder of leucine metabolism, is the commonest organic aciduria found by screening, with a incidence of about 1:32 392 in our country. The clinical phenotype has been shown to vary considerably, ranging from entirely asymptomatic to death in infancy. A review of the literature on 37 individuals indicates that only 27% developed normally and stayed completely asymptomatic. Approximately 30% were reported to suffer from muscular hypotonia and psychomotor retardation, and almost half suffer from various other neurological symptoms. Even a lethality of 11% was observed. The metabolic phenotype characterizing MCCD is the elevated excretion of the diagnostic compounds 3-methylcrotonylglycine and 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, and the presence of abnormally elevated blood levels of 3-hydroxyisovalerylcarnitine (C5-OH), as determined by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Patient and methods: The authors present a symptomatic case with an increase of C5-OH in the acylcarnitine profile who have a developmental delay. Blood spot samples from newborns are collected between day 3 and 6 in Watman 903 filter paper. Acylcarnitines in samples are analysed by MS/MS. Genes MCCA and MCCB that encodes the enzyme 3-MCC were studied by reported methods. Results: The molecular study has allowed the identification of the compound heterozygous in this patient: the frameshift mutation p.S173FfsX25 and the missense mutation p.V339M. Both mutations are described in the literature. Discussion: The newborn screening identification of a patient which developed symptoms seems to indicate that this disease should be included in NBS programs. More studies are needed to find genetic and/or biochemical markers that explain why a relatively small number of individuals are at risk of developing a severe disease phenotype. Another important reason to include MCCD in our panel is that other disorders are also detected by the marker C5OH; for example deficiencies of holocarboxylase synthetase, and 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase

    Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce em Portugal- Casuística de 2011

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    O Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce (PNDP) visa identificar doenças nas primeiras semanas de vida do bebé de forma a possibilitar uma intervenção precoce e a impedir a ocorrência de atraso mental, doença grave irreversível ou morte da criança. O PNDP iniciou-se em 1979 com o rastreio da fenilcetonúria tendo-se implementado em 1981 o rastreio do hipotiroidismo congénito. As novas tecnologias de espectrometria de massa, permitindo a análise simultânea de vários parâmetros numa só amostra de sangue, possibilitaram, a partir de 2004, o aumento das doenças rastreadas até às atuais 25 (24 doenças hereditárias do metabolismo e o hipotiroidismo congénito). O rastreio é feito sobre o sangue colhido por picada no pé do bebé, entre o 3º e o 6º dia de vida, para uma ficha com papel de filtro adequado, sendo a totalidade das análises efetuadas na Unidade de Rastreio Neonatal Metabolismo e Genética do INSA. A taxa de cobertura do PNDP é 100% dos recém - nascidos, sendo o tempo médio de início de tratamento de 9,87 dias. Em Portugal, durante o ano de 2011, foram rastreados 97.116 recém-nascidos tendo-se identificado 44 casos de Hipotiroidismo Congénito (1/2.207) e 31 casos de doenças hereditárias do metabolismo (1/3.133). Os programas de rastreio neonatal são sistemas dinâmicos que devem ser continuamente avaliados e atualizados. Nesta conformidade, há duas doenças cuja integração no Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce, deve ser considerada e avaliada, atendendo à realidade atual em termos demográficos e de tratamento efetivo - a fibrose quística e a anemia falciforme (drepanocitose). Serão assim integradas no projeto de desenvolvimento futuro do rastreio neonatal em Portugal

    Aplicação dos marcadores IRT/PAP/IRT no rastreio neonatal da fibrose quística

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    A Fibrose Quística (FQ) é uma doença genética, com transmissão autossómica recessiva. Bioquimicamente deve-se à deficiência na proteína Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Condutance Regulator que é codificada pelo gene CFTR, localizado no cromossoma 7. Estão descritas cerca de 2000 variantes genéticas associadas a esta doença. Iniciou-se no final de 2013 um estudo piloto integrado no Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce (PNDP), que incluiu 80,000 recém-nascidos (RN). O aumento da concentração sanguínea da tripsina imunoreactiva (IRT) nos primeiros dias de vida dos RN com FQ possibilita o rastreio neonatal desta doença. No entanto, apesar de uma boa sensibilidade (95%), o IRT não é um marcador específico (34-75%) para a FQ, e um rastreio baseado unicamente neste marcador tem um número elevado de falsos positivos. Por esta razão, têm sido propostos vários algoritmos de rastreio, incluindo outros marcadores bioquímicos como a Proteína Associada à Pancreatite (PAP). Neste estudo, o algoritmo de rastreio utilizado baseia-se na determinação do IRT / PAP / IRT em sangue colhido em papel de filtro, sendo a amostra de sangue a mesma colhida para as restantes doenças rastreadas. Neste estudo foram identificadas 680 amostras com valor elevado de IRT ao rastreio, mas apenas em 272 casos foram solicitadas novas amostras por apresentarem também aumento de PAP. Esta estratégia reduziu significativamente os pedidos de segunda amostra de sangue. Foram diagnosticados neste estudo 11 doentes, o que implica uma prevalência ao nascimento de aproximadamente 1:7,200, no entanto este estudo será alargado a mais 80,000 RN para estabelecermos a real prevalência desta patologia na nossa população

    Newborn screening for urea cycle disorders in Portugal

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    Os défices do ciclo da ureia são um grupo de doenças hereditárias do metabolismo caracterizadas fundamentalmente por uma acumulação de amónia. Clinicamente o espectro é muito alargado, com formas de apresentação no período neonatal até situações mais moderadas de apresentação tardia em adultos. O tratamento é fundamentalmente de base nutricional e traduz-se numa redução significativa da mortalidade e morbilidade. Com a introdução da espectrometria de massa nos laboratórios de rastreio neonatal em meados dos anos 90, passou a ser possível quantificar alguns intermediários do ciclo, o que associado à existência de um intervalo livre e um tratamento eficaz, permitiu o rastreio de algumas das doenças deste grupo. Em 2004 iniciou-se em Portugal o rastreio dos défices do ciclo da ureia, tendo-se rastreado até ao presente, 988 687 recém-nascidos e identificado 19 casos positivos. Recentes desenvolvimentos técnicos vieram possibilitar a quantificação de novos marcadores, mais concretamente do ácido orótico, o que abre a possibilidade de rastrear o défice em ornitina transcarbamilase, o défice do ciclo da ureia mais frequente. Os autores apresentam a situação atual do rastreio dos défices do ciclo da ureia e as perspetivas em virtude dos novos desenvolvimentos técnicos.Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) are a group of inborn errors of metabolism characterized by ammonia accumulation. The clinical spectrum is very heterogeneous and ranges from neonatal presentations to almost asymptomatic adults. Treatment is mainly based on a protein-restricted diet and results in a significant decrease of mortality and morbidity. The introduction of tandem mass spectrometry-based techniques in newborn screening laboratories in the middle 90’s has allowed to detect and quantify several intermediates of the cycle, and this, alongside with the existence of a symptom-free interval after birth and effective treatment, allowed to screen for some UCDs. Since 2004, the Portuguese newborn screening program for UCDs has analyzed 988 687 newborns and 19 positive cases were detected. Recent technical developments allow quantifying other UCDs markers on Guthrie cards, more precisely orotic acid which opens the possibility to screen for ornitine transcarbamylase deficiency, the most common UCD. The authors will review the current status of the newborn screening for UCDs and present future perspectives.Parte deste trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto “Atualização tecnológica do Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce” (Operação NORTE–07-0162-FEDER-000142), financiado pelo programa ON2–QREN

    Aligning Software Engineering Teaching Strategies and Practices with Industrial Needs

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    Several approaches have been proposed to reduce the gap between software engineering education and the needs and practices of the software industry. Many of them aim to promote a more active learning attitude in students and provide them with more realistic experiences, thus recreating industry software development environments and collaborative development and, in some cases, with the involvement of companies mainly acting as potential customers. Since many degree courses typically offer separate subjects to teach requirements engineering, analysis and design, coding, or validation, the integration of all these phases normally necessitates experience in a project context and is usually carried out in a final year project. The approach described in this article benefits from the close involvement of a software house company which goes beyond the common involvement of a potential customer. Students are integrated into distributed teams comprising students, teachers and IT professionals. Teams follow the agile Scrum methodology and use the OutSystems low-code development platform providing students with the experience of an almost real scenario. The results show that this approach complements the knowledge and practice acquired in course subjects, develops the students’ technical and non-technical skills, such as commitment, teamwork, and communication, and initiates them in the methodologies and development strategies used in these companies. The feedback from the teachers involved, software companies and students was very positive.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo piloto para o rastreio neonatal da fibrose quística

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    O Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce (PNDP) realiza-se em Portugal desde 1979, e atualmente inclui o rastreio neonatal de 24 Doenças Hereditárias do Metabolismo (DHM) e do Hipotiroidismo Congénito (HC). Em Outubro de 2013 iniciou-se, um estudo piloto para o rastreio neonatal da Fibrose Quística (FQ), que deverá ser efetuado em 80000 recém-nascidos (RN) portugueses ao longo de aproximadamente um ano. A Fibrose Quística (Mucoviscidose) é uma doença metabólica genética, com transmissão autossómica recessiva, e que tem uma prevalência média ao nascimento de 1:3000 RN, na população caucasiana. Bioquimicamente deve-se à deficiência na proteína CFTR, codificada pelo gene CFTR, localizado no cromossoma 7. Estão descritas cerca de 2000 variantes genéticas associadas à FQ. Clinicamente é uma doença grave com atingimento multissistémico, caracterizada pela disfunção das glândulas exócrinas, incluindo o pâncreas, as glândulas sudoríparas e as glândulas mucosas dos tratos respiratório, gastrointestinal e reprodutivo. O aumento dos valores de ião cloreto no suor é típico destes doentes, sendo o “teste do suor” a principal análise de confirmação da doença. Diagnosticar precocemente a doença é uma fator decisivo no prognóstico, não só pela maior sobrevida, mas também para uma melhor qualidade de vida do doente. O aumento da concentração sanguínea da tripsina imunoreactiva (IRT) nos 1os dias de vida dos RN com FQ possibilita o rastreio neonatal desta doença. No entanto, apesar de uma boa sensibilidade, o IRT não é um marcador específico para a FQ, e um rastreio baseado unicamente neste marcador tem um número inaceitável de falsos positivos. Por esta razão, têm sido propostos vários algoritmos de rastreio, incluindo outros marcadores bioquímicos como a Proteína Associada à Pancreatite (PAP) ou o estudo molecular. Neste estudo piloto, o algoritmo de diagnóstico utilizado baseia-se na determinação do IRT e do PAP em sangue colhido em papel de filtro, sendo a amostra de sangue a mesma colhida para os restantes rastreios. No âmbito deste projeto já foram estudados cerca de 15000 RN e identificados 2 casos positivos. No final deste estudo deverá ser avaliada a inclusão da FQ no PNDP e o algoritmo de rastreio a utilizar

    Preliminary results of the pilot study for Cystic Fibrosis newborn screening in Portugal

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    The Portuguese national program for newborn screening started in October 2013 a pilot study for cystic fibrosis. This study will be done in 80,000 Portuguese newborns and will probably last for 1 year long. An IRT/ PAP/ IRT strategy is being used, with 1st IRT and PAP measured in the first newborn screening sample, usually taken between the 3rd and 6th days of life. IRT and PAP cutoff values, in the first sample, are 65 ng/mL and 1.8 ng/mL, respectively. A failsafe procedure was adopted for IRT>100ng/mL (PAP cutoff=0.5ng/mL) and IRT>150ng/mL (immediate request of 2nd sample). Newborns which maintain an elevated IRT in the 2nd sample, usually taken in the 3rd week of life, are sent to a specialized clinical center for sweat test, clinical evaluation and genetic analysis. For the first 52,000 newborns studied, we had a 0.37% recall rate and, after IRT measurement in the 2nd sample, eleven newborns were further evaluated. In two cases, the sweat test and genetic analysis turn out to be negative. Nine patients were confirmed, of which seven were F508del homozygotes. All identified patients have at least one F508del allele, which may indicate that this mutation is more frequent in Portugal than it was previously thought. According with these preliminary results cystic fibrosis may have in Portugal a 1:5,700 approximate frequency

    McArdle disease: mutational spectrum of Portuguese patients

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    McArdle disease or Glycogen Storage Disease type V (GSD V; myophosphorylase deficiency; MIM 232600) its an inborn error of glycogen metabolism, caused by a deficiency in muscle specific isoform of glycogen phosphorylase. This metabolic myopathy is characterised by exercise intolerance, myalgia, cramps and episodic myoglobinuria, symptoms that usually appear during the second or third decade of life. The diagnosis was typically made in muscle biopsy by histological analysis (demonstration of subsarcolemmal glycogen deposits and negative histochemical stain for phosphorylase) and/or measurement of muscle phosphorylase activity. Although since 1984, when the gene of muscle isoform of phosphorylase (myophosphorylase) was cloned and assigned to chromosome 11 (11q13), molecular genetics analysis has been more and more used to confirm the clinical diagnosis. Until now, 146 pathogenic mutations have been described (according to HGMDTM) including nonsense, missense and framshift mutations. High genetic heterogeneity is a hallmark of McArdle disease with a very frequent common mutation among Caucasian populations – R49X (present in about 60% of the mutated alleles) – and several rare mutations, without a clear genotype/phenotype correlation. The authors will present molecular data from the characterisation of 53 Portuguese patients, from 42 families, with McArdle disease. Our results reveal the presence of the R49X mutation in 60 of the alleles (57%), in accordance to what has been described to other Caucasian populations, being identified a total of 15 different mutations were identified. These results allowed in many cases the diagnosis without the need of a muscle biopsy, but also provide valuable information for genetic counselling and to increase the knowledge about the molecular pathology of this disorder